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Opening exhibition #StolenMemory

Invitation to the opening of the exhibition #StolenMemory

Wir laden wir Sie herzlich zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung #StolenMemory des Arolsen Archives auf dem Holzmarkt ein.

#StolenMemory provides an insight into the fates of concentration camp prisoners and sheds light on the systematic looting of their personal belongings by the National Socialists. The exhibition shows vividly, how these objects were not just material possessions, but also memories of loved ones, symbolised a home and a life before persecution.

With the exhibition #StolenMemory we would like to:

  • remember the victims of Nazi persecution and tell their stories.
  • make the theft of personal belongings visible as part of the National Socialist terror.
  • encourage reflection on the meaning of memory and identity.
  • promote dialogue about the consequences of National Socialism.

    The exhibition #StolenMemory will accompany us this year during the Intercultural Week Naumburg from 20.09.2024 to 29.09.2024.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    #StolenMemory #ArolsenArchives #Exhibition #Remembrance #Responsibility

    10:00 a.m.

    Wood market 
    Holzmarkt | Naumburg